Friday, December 27, 2019

Womens Reproductive Rights - 2373 Words

Timothy Davey Mr. Stark Government 29 Nov. 2012 Women’s War for Reproductive Rights The most challenging social issue in America today is not just abortion, but a woman’s right to contraceptives and reproductive health. Generally abortion is an issue that has always been questioned but is an ambiguous subject, even though abortions have been allowed by the Supreme Court for almost five decades. The debate is where to draw the line for contraceptive availability, abortion laws, and healthcare. The argument ranges from; free contraceptives, full healthcare, and whenever the mother decides; to no contraceptives, paid-for healthcare, and none at all. Neither of these arguments can be supported and bring into question human morality,†¦show more content†¦AUL, or Americans United for Life, is a female Pro-Life Activist group that is a major political force that is trying to obviate Planned Parenthood as well as making states the sole arbiter of whether a woman can get an abortion or not. Kate Sheppard, a journalist from Mother Jones states â€Å"Indeed, A ULS greatest success may be its push to take down Americas largest abortion provider. In July 2011, AUL released ‘The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood,’ a 174-page report detailing dozens of alleged abuses, ranging from poor patient care to the misuse of federal funds† (Sheppard 2). This goes completely against â€Å"Due Process Clause,† and it’s preposterousness to ban abortions. We don’t even have enough jobs for the people we already have. So if abortion isn’t available; the lower class grows, and the people most likely to get an abortion are already in the lower class system meaning that their most likely unemployed and the baby would be born into poverty, lessening not only the parent’s quality of life but also that baby. The biggest political player today would be our president who supports women’s reproductive rights, unlike his former Republican challenger Romney, the next biggest player in politics whom is opposed to women’s reproductive rights and made sure to voice his stance during the RepublicanShow MoreRelatedReproductive Rights : Women s Fight For Control1485 Words   |  6 PagesReproductive Rights: Women’s Fight for Control Women having been fighting for equal rights for many years. Because of our genitalia, we will be paid less, we will be judged more, and we will have to fight to protect our basic human rights. Most women are born with the amazing ability to carry life; this is a blessing and a curse. Because of this ability, some people believe that a woman’s body is not completely her own, but that the government has rights to that body as well. We have been fightingRead MoreAbortion : A Positive Impact For Women s Reproductive Rights Movement870 Words   |  4 PagesHyde Amendment get your way I used to think abortion is really a personal choice until I learned my aunt’s choice. After borrowing enough money form my relatives, she finally gets an appointment for her abortion. For my aunt, likes many low-income women on Medicaid in Texas, the only choice for their unwanted pregnancy is either high-cost and late-term abortions or giving birth. This choice is not from their personal preferences, but is influenced with abortion legislations. Abortion has been legalizedRead MoreUndue Burden : Obstacles Against Women s Reproductive Rights971 Words   |  4 PagesAgainst Women’s Reproductive Rights Undue Burden: Obstacles Against Women’s Reproductive Rights The topic of women’s reproductive rights has become a major, controversial issue in today’s society. Grounded in a history of opposition for religious, political, and moral reasons, reproductive rights have only legally been around for a short period of history. Specifically, the landmark case Roe v. Wade was the major stride that this country took towards enforcing women’s reproductive rights. The rulingRead MoreThe Reproductive Rights Of Women1940 Words   |  8 PagesThe reproductive rights of women have always been a hotly debated topic between those who support a women’s right to an abortion and those who vehemently oppose it. The United States Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case Roe vs. Wade that it was legally a woman’s right to have an abortion in 1973, and clearly outlines that states â€Å"cannot pass laws that create an undue burden† for women who choose to exercise their rights and terminate their pregnancy. Since then, the re have been consistent challengesRead MoreWomen s Reproductive Rights Essay1199 Words   |  5 PagesEnglish II 3 October 2017 Women’s Reproductive Rights What if a sixteen year old decided to apply to adopt a child? She’d be denied that from the get-go, right? Of course, she’s way too young, not nearly mature enough, can’t support herself on her own, etc. If all of this is true, then why should a sixteen year old rape victim have to raise a child she didn’t plan for? Even women who aren’t ready to start a family or any other reason, shouldn’t have to. All women deserve true information and theRead MoreReproductive Freedom And Its Impact On Women s Rights1521 Words   |  7 Pagesof women’s reproductive rights once said, â€Å"Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can’t take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can’t take care of anything. It should not be seen as a privilege or as a benefit, but a fundamental human right.† In many traditional societies around the world, women’s rights regarding their own reproduct ive choices may seem as limited as their opportunities for them. Cultures in which that deny women s rights and lessenRead MoreWomen s Health Care And Reproductive Rights1515 Words   |  7 Pagesof the hottest topics concerning women’s health care and reproductive rights. Tune into any presidential debate and you’ll notice candidates spending as much time discussing the topic as immigration, foreign policy, climate change, and gun control. There are a lot of misconceptions about the pro-choice movement but it can be explained in very simple terms. Being pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion, it simply means accepting that women have the choice to choose what they do with their bodiesRead MoreEmergency Contraception For Women s Reproductive Rights982 Words   |  4 PagesIn class, we have been discussion current controversies around the use of emergency contraception for women. Women’s reproductive rights are one of the most influential human rights battles facing our society. Women’s reproductive rights activists state that women should be allowed emergency contraception, because it declines the rates of abortions and is a staple for women’s health and independency. Opponents of emergency contraception declare it is against their religious beliefs because it causesRead MoreGlobalization s Effect On Women s Reproductive Rights3461 Words   |  14 PagesRiggs Globalization’s Effect on Women’s Reproductive Rights Abstract: Women’s reproductive rights have always been a bit of a controversial topic. As well as it being a double standard between men and women. â€Å"The consequences of sexual relations between women and men simply were not fair. An old double standard dictated that men were rewarded for sexual prowess and women suffered a damaged reputation. Males were encouraged to sow a few wild oats while women were told good girls don t†.† In thisRead MoreThe Importance Of A Candidate For The Democratic Party945 Words   |  4 Pagesallow the women of America access to all the opportunities their male counterparts enjoy. In order to have these opportunities, we have identified three issues where women need support. First, Reproductive Rights allow women to make their own healthcare decisions in order to have choices about their bodies and when to have children. However, these rights are being threatened by ever increasing restrictions. We will propose a plan to increase funding and reduce barrier to allow all women who need care

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